This is a short version of what my long story of preclampsia experience, I couldn't make it any longer, do to the fact that I just wanted to express the major events and sad but true pains and what my body went through, my main message is not only for those who are pregnant, but also for those 1st time mothers and for the women who do plan to have a child, preclampsia is not for the faint of heart, its a serious condition, it can actually kill you and your unborn child, in a very tragic and sad way, but never forget that with the proper medical care, and responsible check ups and a balanced diet, and exercise, you can avoid serious multiple problems and the benefit of a healthy pregnancy is of course a healthy baby. In my case, it wasn't just about me and the baby, for I have always had my family at my side, so without them I couldn't have had the strength to face certain obstacles. Thank you and plz comment!!
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